Submit your work
- Submission Format: For the review process, your submission should use the familiar two-column ACM template (use "sigconf" proceedings template for LaTeX and the Interim Template for Word). Later camera-ready submissions to TAPS will be in single-column format.
- Submission Length: Please consult appropriate submission category on the CfP page for details.
- Rigorous peer-review: Each submission will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers (PC) and a meta reviewer (SPC).
- Anonymity: For full/perspective and short papers, the review process is DOUBLE-BLIND. Authors need to ensure that all the paper content and supplementary material is anonymised (i.e., the reviewers SHOULD NOT be able to determine who you are). For demo/resource, workshop, tutorial, and doctoral consortium papers, the review process is SINGLE-BLIND. Authors should NOT anonymise their work.
- No Dual Submission: Full/perspective and short/demo/resource paper submissions should NOT be currently under review at another publication venue.
- No Preprints allowed: Full/perspective and short papers should NOT have been submitted as preprints.
- Please upload your submissions through EasyChair
- Publication of accepted papers will be using the new ACM TAPS system, which has specific requirements. Please consult the following page for information on one-page templates and the process:
- More guidance on TAPS and page/word limits is available on the CfP page
- All submissions close at midnight, Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12 time zone).